Airband Standard Horizon
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 "In our opinion, the GX1500S’s performance, huge display, and easy operation make it a great buy." January 2009 Practical Sailor

  • Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling)
  • Submersible JIS-7 / IPX7 (3.3 feet for 30 minutes)
  • Noise canceling microphone
  • DSC Distress call, Individual, All ship, Position Report, and Position Request 
  • Instant 16/9 and NOAA weather channel selection with alert
  • Programmable Scan, Priority Scan, and Dual Watch
  • Displays channel names, GPS position, and time
  • Customizable channel names
  • Channel controls and 16/9 key on the microphone
  • Oversized alphanumeric display and channel selector knob
  • NMEA Input and Output
  • Capable of connecting a second station remote microphone
  • Die-cast chassis
  • Overall dimensions: 3.1"H x 7"W X 5.7"D
  • Flush mount cutout: 2.5"W x 6.3"W x 5.1"D
  • 3 Year Waterproof Warranty


Remote RAM3 or VH-310 second station capability
All of the features of the main radio can be accessed through a optional RAM3 speaker microphone (CMP30) or VH-310 telephone style handset when connected.
Oversized display
There is no question about it. With a big, bold display there is no mistaking the information. The QUEST-X contrast and brightness can be adjusted for situations where the radio cannot be mounted directly in front of you.
Channel names and GPS repeating
All the information you need right at your fingertips. Customizable channel naming allows you to easily change the channel name for greater ease of use and better channel recognition. Position, date, and time are also displayed when interfaced with a GPS receiver.
Digital Selective Calling
The QUEST-X is Class D class DSC VHF with a separate Channel 70 receiver, which allows DSC calls to be received even when listening to traffic on Marine VHF channels.

The DSC DISTRESS function when activated transmits a digital MAYDAY including vessel identification, Latitude / Longitude and time (with GPS connected), to facilitate prompt response. Additional calls that can be made are Individual, Urgency and Safety.
DSC Position Request and Report
Easily share position information with other DSC equipped vessels using the position request and position reporting functions. With the push of a few buttons you can request the position of another vessel, or simply report your position information to the vessel you select.

The GPS Position of received DSC Distress call or Position Request calls can be shown on a compatible GPS Chart plotter display simply by connecting 3 NMEA wires.
Oversized knobs and scanning
Radio operation and channel selection is made easy (even with gloves) with the oversized volume, squelch and channel selector knobs

The QUEST-X has Dual Watch, which scans a selected channel and ch16 simultaneously allowing you to monitor a channel and not miss calls made on ch16. Programmable Scan and Priority Scan features are user programmable.
Clearvoice noise reduction technology
The QUEST-X features Clear Voice Noise Reduction Technology eliminating unwanted background noises like engines and wind during transmission. This assures transmissions are crystal clear along with dedicated 16/9 key and channel selection.
3-Year waterproof warranty
If the QUEST-X fails for any reason (including water damage) during normal use for the first 3 years of ownership, STANDARD HORIZON will repair or replace it free, without hassles or charges. If it fails for anytime thereafter in normal use, for as long as the original purchaser owns the radio, STANDARD Horizon's Lifetime Flat Rate and Customer Loyalty Service Programs will cover it.

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